Corporation - Description - 2016-05-29 22:01:07 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Proud Member of Get Off My Lawn  
 Delusions of Adequacy is a social corporation comprising of mature and sensible players who understand that RL comes first. We aim to provide a friendly and enjoyable environment for our pilots to explore the universe and we have a mix of new and veteran pilots in our ranks who are always keen to help out.  Delusions of Adequacy is a social corporation comprising of mature and sensible players who understand that RL comes first. We aim to provide a friendly and enjoyable environment for our pilots to explore the universe and we have a mix of new and veteran pilots in our ranks who are always keen to help out.
 We expect our members to get involved and strive to be an asset to the corporation. Above all we aim to have fun and work together as a team to achieve our goals. If the conduct expected of you whilst flying as part of DOA- prevents you from enjoying the game then you should consider joining another corporation. It will work out better for everyone if you are happy in another corporation rather than depressed in DOA-. We expect our members to get involved and strive to be an asset to the corporation. Above all we aim to have fun and work together as a team to achieve our goals. If the conduct expected of you whilst flying as part of DOA- prevents you from enjoying the game then you should consider joining another corporation. It will work out better for everyone if you are happy in another corporation rather than depressed in DOA-.
 Pubic Recruitment Chat Channel Is 'DOA- Pub'  Pubic Recruitment Chat Channel Is 'DOA- Pub'
 What we're looking for: What we're looking for:
 - All Timezones - All Timezones
-- Recommend having at least 5M skill points +- Recommend having at least 20M skill points
 - Must be prepared to relocate to 0.0 - Must be prepared to relocate to 0.0
-- Must be prepared to use Mumble/Forums/Etc +- Must be prepared to use TS/Forums/Etc
 - Must be prepared to participate in PVP - Must be prepared to participate in PVP
 - Must be over 18 - Must be over 18
 What we're offering: What we're offering:
-- Nullsec alliance  
 - Small and large scale PvP - Small and large scale PvP
-- Help and training for Players new to nullsec 
 - Corp Jump Service - Corp Jump Service
 - Ship replacement and reimbursement programs - Ship replacement and reimbursement programs
 - ISK making opportunities - ISK making opportunities
-- Mumble 
 This corporation was created from the merger of Lucid Dreamers and Lost Society. This corporation was created from the merger of Lucid Dreamers and Lost Society.

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Resources 2016-05-29 22:01:07 Corporation Description
Corporation Delusions of Adequacy Member 4
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