Corporation - Description - 2009-12-14 06:02:36 - Live Ticker



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 . . . - = N E U R O N I X = - . . . . . . - = N E U R O N I X = - . . .
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 [-= Mining - Research - Industry =-] [-= Mining - Research - Industry =-]
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 Our Goal: To experience all things EVE Our Goal: To experience all things EVE
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 ***We are always recruiting*** ***We are always recruiting***
-Requirements for applicants: 
-* Minimum 2 mil SP 
-* Willingness to relocate to current area of operations 
-* Maturity 
-* Standings with Minmatar Republic above 1.00 or willingness to improve same 
-* Small, close-knit corp 
-* Cruisers and Barges at cost or free 
-* Experienced, hard-working players 
-* Low-Sec mining and PvP opportunities 
-| Optimized BPO`s free for member use | 
-| Jumpclones accessable for all members | 
-| High-sec research POS available to all members | 
 Please contact one of the diplomats in game via eve-mail or channel "NRNX-Join" prior to submitting your application. Please contact one of the diplomats in game via eve-mail or channel "NRNX-Join" prior to submitting your application.
 Diplomatic contacts: Diplomatic contacts:
 Ashari Atu Ashari Atu
 Derek Lord Derek Lord
 Eric Stratton Eric Stratton
 - -

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Resources 2009-12-14 06:02:36 Corporation Description
Corporation Neuronix Member 10
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