Corporation - Description - 2009-12-14 06:06:30 - Live Ticker



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 The Unknown Known  The Unknown Known
 Raised and in the harsh enviroment of Rens serving the brutor tribe. for years these loyal pilots helped in the mindless death and destruction of millions before realising the great error in there ways. Raised and in the harsh enviroment of Rens serving the brutor tribe. for years these loyal pilots helped in the mindless death and destruction of millions before realising the great error in there ways.
 As a small movement they tried to convice their brothers and sisters of the Minmator of the errors of their ways in the past, the more influencial and power hungry tried to silence the truth.  As a small movement they tried to convice their brothers and sisters of the Minmator of the errors of their ways in the past, the more influencial and power hungry tried to silence the truth.
 After years of trying to save the confused ignorant citizens it came time to seek new leadership and return to the ways of the orignal rulers and create a safe haven for any of the millions of the unknown Minmator who have voices crying out for a return to the leadership of the great, the return to the true way.  After years of trying to save the confused ignorant citizens it came time to seek new leadership and return to the ways of the orignal rulers and create a safe haven for any of the millions of the unknown Minmator who have voices crying out for a return to the leadership of the great, the return to the true way.
 The few set of and now seek a place to create a home for any members of the races who are willing to accept to be led by the great empire of the true Golden Gods and hope that one day the Gods among them will grant a great hand in acceptance and forgivness of the misguided ways of the unforgivers.  The few set of and now seek a place to create a home for any members of the races who are willing to accept to be led by the great empire of the true Golden Gods and hope that one day the Gods among them will grant a great hand in acceptance and forgivness of the misguided ways of the unforgivers.
 They can now be found in the Providence area where other Minmator terrorists seek to harm others with no thought. and we will bring justice and education to there misguided ways  They can now be found in the Providence area where other Minmator terrorists seek to harm others with no thought. and we will bring justice and education to there misguided ways
 We kneel before the The Amarr and seek there hand in acceptance.  We kneel before the The Amarr and seek there hand in acceptance.
 Lead us Warleaders to Victory Lead us Warleaders to Victory
 Let the great Empire rise again Let the great Empire rise again
-Join channel - THE UNKNOWN KNOWN - if you seek forgivness and look to regain the trust of the empire. +Convo Loran cehack for info - if you seek forgivness and look to regain the trust of the empire.
 NOTE: we are NRDS operate in accordance to the CVA charter. NOTE: we are NRDS operate in accordance to the CVA charter.

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