Corporation - Description - 2016-06-04 09:06:23 - Live Ticker



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 Dedication, Loyalty and Teamwork is the JEDI way. Dedication, Loyalty and Teamwork is the JEDI way.
-Neutral corp with it's roots from the beginning, Founded June 1, 2003 we are over 10 years old! +Neutral corp with it's roots from the beginning, Founded June 1, 2003.
 +Our Astrahus have (54%) max refine and 1.0% tax.
 +Clones and Offices just 4k/10k.
 Specializes in Tech 2 and Capital production. One of the founding members of ICSC, we have since struck out on our own.  Specializes in Tech 2 and Capital production. One of the founding members of ICSC, we have since struck out on our own.
 Contact: Rok Qhang'Rawl, Jake Too, or Jullius for details.  Contact: Rok Qhang'Rawl, Jake Too, or Jullius for details.
 Ingame channel: JEDI Ingame channel: JEDI

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Resources 2016-06-04 09:06:23 Corporation Description
Alliance Preatoriani Member 68
Corporation Joint Espionage and Defence Industries Member 28
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