Corporation - Description - 2016-06-21 08:12:36 - Live Ticker



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 Not sure which Corp to join, or even if you want to put up with the Corporation obligations at all? Then come join the laid back corporation Ambivalence Co-operative.  Not sure which Corp to join, or even if you want to put up with the Corporation obligations at all? Then come join the laid back corporation Ambivalence Co-operative.
 We're a loose assembly of pod jockeys making cynical use of every advantage we can wring from the Corporations system - but we're also a group looking for teamwork and friendships while avoiding all the obligations that usually come with life in a Corporation. We're a loose assembly of pod jockeys making cynical use of every advantage we can wring from the Corporations system - but we're also a group looking for teamwork and friendships while avoiding all the obligations that usually come with life in a Corporation.
 Some forget: This is just a game - not a religion. Be your own boss in a fun and friendly atmosphere suitable for players who while they may generally like to do their own thing, enjoy having a friendly group to both talk to and work with as its suits them. Of course we also offer some special services/options/advantages for our corp members like most other corps do (e.g. free agony-unleashed PVP courses, bounties, ship replacement, etc.). In addition our alliance offers services like mining/salvage schemes. Some forget: This is just a game - not a religion. Be your own boss in a fun and friendly atmosphere suitable for players who while they may generally like to do their own thing, enjoy having a friendly group to both talk to and work with as its suits them. Of course we also offer some special services/options/advantages for our corp members like most other corps do (e.g. free agony-unleashed PVP courses, bounties, ship replacement, etc.). In addition our alliance offers services like mining/salvage schemes.
 What we do: What we do:
 â—‹ Low/no taxes (keep your money - you work hard enough for it). â—‹ Low/no taxes (keep your money - you work hard enough for it).
 â—‹ Fleet ops: Feel free to start/join a op/fleet in corp/alliance â—‹ Fleet ops: Feel free to start/join a op/fleet in corp/alliance
 â—‹ Do what you like best: Industrial activities, mining, PVE, PVP (NBSI policy), manufacturing/research, Exploration â—‹ Do what you like best: Industrial activities, mining, PVE, PVP (NBSI policy), manufacturing/research, Exploration
 â—‹ We don't force you to be/play in a certain region on the eve map. Go to high-, low, WH and 0.0-sec. Do what you want & where you want to do it. â—‹ We don't force you to be/play in a certain region on the eve map. Go to high-, low, WH and 0.0-sec. Do what you want & where you want to do it.
 What we don't do: What we don't do:
 â—‹ NO compulsory activities, although participation in Alliance Operations of any form is welcome. â—‹ NO compulsory activities, although participation in Alliance Operations of any form is welcome.
 +â—‹ NO mandatory stuff. You are a free pilot.
-â—‹ We are not pirates! NO griefing. NO scamming. No can flipping, suicide ganking, baiting of high sec mission runners, and no salvaging of missions against the mission runners expressed wishes. NO hunting of mining vessels or mission runners unless valid/war targets/outlaws or "reds" - except in 0.0. +â—‹ We are not pirates! NO griefing. NO scamming. NO Theft. No can flipping, suicide ganking, baiting of high sec mission runners, and no salvaging of missions against the mission runners expressed wishes. NO hunting of mining vessels or mission runners unless valid/war targets/outlaws or "reds" - except in 0.0.
 â—‹ NO Wardec's except to help out a friendly Corp. â—‹ NO Wardec's except to help out a friendly Corp.
 To hear more, start a conversation with one of our recruiters listed in our corp advert. Or apply to join Ambivalence Co-operative if none of them is online. Note: We require a 51 day character age minimum and we have to background checks on your character. To hear more, start a conversation with one of our recruiters listed in our corp advert. Or apply to join Ambivalence Co-operative if none of them is online. Note: We require a 51 day character age minimum and we have to background checks on your character.

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Resources 2016-06-21 08:12:36 Corporation Description
Alliance Black Thorne Alliance Member 1
Corporation Ambivalence Co-operative Member 28
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