Corporation - Description - 2016-07-24 09:22:27 - Live Ticker



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 War is good for business. War is good for business.
 SS.Co is a group of mercenaries, pirates, wormholers and industrialists supplying the ever-raging conflicts of the human species. A corp full of vets, mixed with some hungry new pilots and some bare-faced newbs, we welcome all skill levels.  SS.Co is a group of mercenaries, pirates, wormholers and industrialists supplying the ever-raging conflicts of the human species. A corp full of vets, mixed with some hungry new pilots and some bare-faced newbs, we welcome all skill levels.
 Cruiser-class minimum please (Indu's count). Cruiser-class minimum please (Indu's count).
 You will hear our laughter and see our memes....and you will know... You will hear our laughter and see our memes....and you will know...
 SS.CO has come for you. SS.CO has come for you.
 Sanity has no place here. Sanity has no place here.
 Our Goal Our Goal
 Get ISK. Fuck Bitches. Pew pew. Get ISK. Fuck Bitches. Pew pew.
 What are we? What are we?
 â˜£ 0.0 based corporation in a sov 0.0 alliance â˜£ 0.0 based corporation in a sov 0.0 alliance
 â˜£ Black ops and guerilla fighting â˜£ Black ops and guerilla fighting
 â˜£ Rorq supported Indu Wing â˜£ Rorq supported Indu Wing
 â˜£ Sov Defence Roams (Nuet Hunting) â˜£ Sov Defence Roams (Nuet Hunting)
 â˜£ Mature group of players that like to have fun â˜£ Mature group of players that like to have fun
 â˜£ Corp funded Fleet Ops â˜£ Corp funded Fleet Ops
 Our Timezone Our Timezone
 â˜£ Late US/AU Main Timezone â˜£ Late US/AU Main Timezone
 â˜£ EU/US Secondary Timezone â˜£ EU/US Secondary Timezone
 What requirements? What requirements?
 â˜£ Have a sense of humor. Take a joke. â˜£ Have a sense of humor. Take a joke.
 â˜£ Have a brain. Don't cause problems. â˜£ Have a brain. Don't cause problems.
 â˜£ Have a question? Ask, we were all newbs once. â˜£ Have a question? Ask, we were all newbs once.
 Point of Contacts: Point of Contacts:
 - Wardar (CEO) - Wardar (CEO)
 - Arunis Genforge (US Director) - Arunis Genforge (US Director)
 +- Ahura Kalord (EU Director/Recruiter)
 Public chat and Recruitment Channel [SS.CO] SHOOTING STAR  Public chat and Recruitment Channel [SS.CO] SHOOTING STAR
 Recruitment Thread Recruitment Thread

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Resources 2016-07-24 09:22:27 Corporation Description
Alliance Bloodline. Member 14
Corporation Shooting Star Company Member 13
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