Corporation - Description - 2016-07-31 08:01:01 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Against All Odds! 
-Elite PvPers only scrubs need not apply.  
-Recruitment currently "open" looking for high sp players who are self sufficient and can fly caps or blops must have positive KB and willing to operate outnumbered and outgunned and fly certain select ships no carebears allowed  
-if you dont meet reqs we run a selective training / mentor program for a select few who are willing to learn the art of warfare and pvp this mentor program is invight only so do not apply if you dont meet above reqs this is a invight only select program  
-If you meet our reqs feel free to join our public channel:  
-Hyper Assymetrical Warfare  
-"Those who go to war first and then seek to win lose while those who win first and then go to war win"- a wise man 
-"We would have been cut and shot to peices by the surperior manpower of the enemy. But the rapid fire of a few riflemen hindered the attack of a tenfold surperior enemy" - Erwin Rommel 

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Resources 2016-07-31 08:01:01 Corporation Description
Alliance Hell's Pirates Member 2
Corporation Hyper War. Member 0
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