Corporation - Description - 2016-08-12 09:39:38 - Live Ticker



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-Anyone (your trade alt) may join Common Ground to place orders with No Broker's Fees! 
 Anarchism is not chaos. It is organization without authority. Although, in New Eden, it's not completely possible, this is our goal. In Common Ground, you will find: Anarchism is not chaos. It is organization without authority. Although, in New Eden, it's not completely possible, this is our goal. In Common Ground, you will find:
 No Dues No Dues
 No Rent No Rent
 No Taxes No Taxes
-No Broker's Fees! 
-No CTAs 
 No NRDS Laws No NRDS Laws
 No APIs Required, and only... No APIs Required, and only...
 One Rule: Don't be a dick. - That covers (but is not limited to), no scamming and no high-sec ganking, while flying our colors.  One Rule: Don't be a dick. - That covers (but is not limited to), no scamming and no high-sec ganking, while flying our colors.
-We keep our broker's fees low and only use the ISK for structure's upkeep, upgrades, defense, and replacement. 
-52% Refining is Free. 
-1% Broker's Fee for non-members. 
-Brokers fees lowered to 0.1% indefinitely! 
-Note: If you want to place buy orders at ██ to reach Dodixie, you need to train visibility to 2. 

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Resources 2016-08-12 09:39:38 Corporation Description
Corporation Common Ground Member 16
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