Corporation - Description - 2010-01-11 06:01:10 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Psychedelic Party. Psychedelic Party.
 Come and party with us like you have never partied before! Come and party with us like you have never partied before!
 Currently recruiting players of all ages and races. If you're looking for a friendly place to be come join the party! Currently recruiting players of all ages and races. If you're looking for a friendly place to be come join the party!
 +Mission Statement
 +To provide the best environment posible to bring out the highest potential from every member while providing clear goals and objectives for the corp and it's members.
 Join GEXPUBLIC channel. Join GEXPUBLIC channel.

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Resources 2010-01-11 06:01:10 Corporation Description
Alliance Stellar Economy Experts Member 0
Corporation Psychedelic Party Member 2
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API J:27 Mar 01:50 K:27 Mar 01:55 C:27 Mar 02:04 A:27 Mar 02:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 01:58 S:27 Mar 01:51 W:27 Mar 01:15