Corporation - Description - 2010-01-14 06:10:05 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Required for positions in the corp  Required for positions in the corp
-Based: Hek 
-Boundless Creation Factory+Based: Villasen
 +Station: Villasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support
 ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................
 Must have 10 million+ skill points Must have 10 million+ skill points
 Exceptions can be made Exceptions can be made
 -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
 Must be 14+ to apply Must be 14+ to apply
 -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
 Recruitment channel: The A.o.2 Rec. Channel Recruitment channel: The A.o.2 Rec. Channel
 contact magestric, alexthegreatleader Or Jack' Sparrow contact magestric, alexthegreatleader Or Jack' Sparrow
 --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
 PLEASE: Copy and paste app. details below PLEASE: Copy and paste app. details below
 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
 Name: Name:
 Age: Age:
 Male/Female: Male/Female:
 Time zone: Time zone:
 Ship (race): Ship (race):
 Miner/PvP/Industy/Wormhole: Miner/PvP/Industy/Wormhole:
 ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
 2009.11.04 I would like to congratulate you on a well executed war. You have helped us identify many areas where we need to improve our pvp tactics,  2009.11.04 I would like to congratulate you on a well executed war. You have helped us identify many areas where we need to improve our pvp tactics,
 Fly safe Tobias Froon CEO Fly safe Tobias Froon CEO

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Resources 2010-01-14 06:10:05 Corporation Description
Alliance Brothers of Mayhem Member 0
Corporation The ARMY of TWO Member 4
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