Corporation - Description - 2016-09-13 10:48:26 - Live Ticker



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 Argentum was founded on February 14th, 2012 on the basis of respect, trust, and a mutual understanding between members that as a group, we are stronger, and that to be a member of Argentum is to be a member of family. Also, having the ability to bleed silver blood instead of regular blood is an added benefit :) Argentum was founded on February 14th, 2012 on the basis of respect, trust, and a mutual understanding between members that as a group, we are stronger, and that to be a member of Argentum is to be a member of family. Also, having the ability to bleed silver blood instead of regular blood is an added benefit :)
-Join our public chat, Argentum Pub 
-Fawx Kion 

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Resources 2016-09-13 10:48:26 Corporation Description
Corporation Argentum Associates Member 1
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