Corporation - Description - 2016-10-23 08:58:31 - Live Ticker



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 +We are Vay Mining Corporation (VMC). We are an industrial and combat corporation that operates in Nullsec. In our history, we have seen several corporations rise and fall. What we have learned from the corporations that have risen is; you need to have people working together to achieve corp goals and individual player goals.
 +What we have learned from the ones that have fallen; is that greed destroys corporations.
 +VMC supports their allies, and is working to grow an active community of level headed players to achieve common corp goals and to hold our own in the universe.
 +Vay Mining Corporation is looking for combat and industrial pilots. Full API is required.
 +Head Diplo General Rogers Faltermeyer

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Resources 2016-10-23 08:58:31 Corporation Description
Alliance DRONE WALKERS Member 0
Corporation Vay Mining Corporation Member 20
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