Corporation - Description - 2016-11-03 08:03:03 - Live Ticker



Old New
-We are a mining and industry corperation working to expand into null sec.+We are a Industry Corperation working to help everyone achieve their goals in eve.
 +Looking for :
 +-All PVE
 +-All Trade & Industry
 +-New player Friendly
 +Area of Operation :
 +Languages :
 +Message to recruits :
 +Hey you, are you interested in starting a PVE or Industry career ? We can provide you help with that. We're a little indy corp dedicated to mining and manufacturing a whole range of items needed by those that wages wars.
 +We, of course, also welcome older capsuleers to help our newbro getting started.
 +What do we offer ?
 +-Advices and help to get started in the very complex world of Eve.
 +-Free skillbooks.
 +-Mining ships
 + Provided you provide the minerals.
 +-ship rigs
 +What do we do ?
 +-Exploration (aka scanning)
 +Where do we operate ?
 +We are based in the everyshore region (gallente Space).

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Resources 2016-11-03 08:03:03 Corporation Description
Corporation Bcuzikan Mining Member 42
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