Corporation - Description - 2016-11-22 11:05:44 - Live Ticker



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 The Crimson Knights... The Crimson Knights...
 A small corporation. A small corporation.
 Every Army starts as a few. As time passes, they learn more and pass the knowledge on to the next few that join them, teaching one another of the ways of space and battle. Every Army starts as a few. As time passes, they learn more and pass the knowledge on to the next few that join them, teaching one another of the ways of space and battle.
 Everything is a trial, every trial is a learning experience and every learning experience is another page in the book of knowledge. Everything is a trial, every trial is a learning experience and every learning experience is another page in the book of knowledge.
 Eventually that few, will grow... Eventually that few, will grow...
 Maybe even make a name for themselves... Maybe even make a name for themselves...
-(If curious, message Richter Varios or Cassaya Rydell for more information ) +(If curious, message Richter Varios or dura saunders for more information )

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Resources 2016-11-22 11:05:44 Corporation Description
Corporation The Crimson Knights Member 3
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