Corporation - Description - 2016-11-30 08:01:40 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We are a relatively relatively laid back community, interested in finding ways to expand our presence in the galaxy. As a new corporation, we don't expect much from our members other than to be friendly and help eachother out whenever you can. We are a relatively relatively laid back community, interested in finding ways to expand our presence in the galaxy. As a new corporation, we don't expect much from our members other than to be friendly and help eachother out whenever you can.
-Currently, our focus is on mining and PVE missions. We will expand into other areas as we gain new members and opportunities arise. +Currently, our focus is on mining and PVE missions in Wormholes. We will expand into other areas as we gain new members and opportunities arise.
 We are looking for new players willing to learn and pull their own weight or veteran players willing to teach the various aspects of the game to others. We are looking for new players willing to learn and pull their own weight or veteran players willing to teach the various aspects of the game to others.
-We use Skype curently as our voice client. +We use TeamSpeak curently as our voice client.
 Please join our public in-game channel Lava Recruits for more details. Please join our public in-game channel Lava Recruits for more details.

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Resources 2016-11-30 08:01:40 Corporation Description
Alliance Dredd - The Purification Project Member 0
Corporation Lava Industries Member 17
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