Corporation - Description - 2010-02-15 06:01:43 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Hiring pilots in any specality!  
 +*Well established Industrial Corp (Founded 2006)
 +* High-Sec Amarr Space Location (with 0.0 Space with-in easy reach)
 +* Research & Development POS access available
-Primarly based in Australia (GMT+10) - Now expanding to other time zones. +* Primary based around Australian Time-Zone (GMT+10) but not limited to
 +DEEP BLACK Ambition
 +* Sustain an Active group of active friends in a Mid-sized Corp.
 +* Develop a Member base with highly skilled Exponents of the Game.
 +* A Secure presence in EvE, able to capitalise on the Latest & Best the Game has to offer.
-We are a highly motivated corporation who support there players in both solo operations and group operations. +* To be able to provide a tangible demonstration of force both economically and though smarter firepower
 +This is DEEP BLACK
 +* Aussie Based Corp that welcomes players from any Time-Zone, we have a few different Nationalities and are eager to have more join us!
 +* Our members are skilled in many professions with encouargement to be Multi-skilled. A valuable attribute indeed!
 +* We have a friendly, open atmosphere in our corp. Members ideas, suggestions, observations on matters concerning our operations are most welcome.
 +* There is no pressure on members to perform or show up for Group Operations. Your Characters Skill will be realised and your Real-Life commitments are respected.
 +* We support members Solo activities and Group Ops they wish to organise.
 +* Provide guidance and training to members who are new or wanting to try something different
 +* The proceeds of any Group Operations are shared out between those involved. We all want our time/effort in EvE to be profitable!
 +* Corp Assets are avaiable, members can borrow BP's, Ships, Isk, etc to help with their profit making capabilities.
-We have the leadership, and know how; what we need is you+* The only things not tolerated is potty mouth, and out-right piracy.
-Currently seeking both new and the more experienced for high sec and low sec operations.  
 +Members of DEEP BLACK
 +* Will be become the experienced player who has good Skills & knowledge with sound ideas.
 +* Freely give thier time to play an active part in our Corps future development.
 +* Will aim for both for the long term objectives and the short term operational objectives.
 +* Newer players, wanting to learn more about EvE quickly. Looking for good advice on training thier Character and becoming a valued member of our Corp.
 +* Can understand there is a need for Superiority in Corp operations, and is vital to our success.
 +* Will not compromise our Corporations Goals and its members ability to maximise thier assets.
 +* Encourage the use of Amarr related NPCs for the purposes of standings
-Join DEEPBLACK Channel for membership enquiries. +Join DEEPBLACK Channel for more information.
 Deepblack Industries is an equal opportunity employer Deepblack Industries is an equal opportunity employer

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Resources 2010-02-15 06:01:43 Corporation Description
Alliance Skynet Confederation Member 0
Corporation Deep Black Industries Member 12
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