Corporation - Description - 2016-12-19 10:44:03 - Live Ticker



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 We are a friendly corporation operating in 0.0 space of Fountain region, striving to uphold and further the goals of alliance as well as our own terrible purpose. We are a friendly corporation operating in 0.0 space of Fountain region, striving to uphold and further the goals of alliance as well as our own terrible purpose.
 Most of our members are from Balkans and we're always looking to recruit more players from this region. Most of our members are from Balkans and we're always looking to recruit more players from this region.
 Now recruiting PvP pilots, but any PvP capable career is welcome. Minimum skill point requirement is 20mil. Now recruiting PvP pilots, but any PvP capable career is welcome. Minimum skill point requirement is 20mil.
 We offer you a chance to earn isk, enjoy daily pvp operations with alliance mates and have fun while at it. Apply now! We offer you a chance to earn isk, enjoy daily pvp operations with alliance mates and have fun while at it. Apply now!
-Recruitment: NO ACTIVE +Recruitment: Invite Only
 Recruiting: Any pvp capable character. Recruiting: Any pvp capable character.
 CEO : WhitePulsarr CEO : WhitePulsarr
 Diplomacy Officer : jugoslovenka Diplomacy Officer : jugoslovenka
-Recruitment Officers : Zmile cc +Recruitment Officers : Dripatz
 Friendly Fire Officer : whitepulsarr Friendly Fire Officer : whitepulsarr
 "And how can man die better. Than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods?" "And how can man die better. Than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods?"

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Resources 2016-12-19 10:44:03 Corporation Description
Alliance The G0dfathers Member 63
Corporation Fatal and The rabbit Member 30
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