Corporation - Description - 2017-01-10 12:30:10 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Hi-sec Corporation. Hi-sec Corporation.
 Part of TOG - The Old Gamers Alliance. Part of TOG - The Old Gamers Alliance.
 Open for Alpha and Omega Pilots. Open for Alpha and Omega Pilots.
 Our priority areas are: Our priority areas are:
 * Mining * Mining
 * Pve * Pve
 * Industry * Industry
 Weekly Mining Operations Weekly Mining Operations
 Fortizar Pashanai - HotK 52%-ref 0,4%-Public tax Fortizar Pashanai - HotK 52%-ref 0,4%-Public tax
 Modules installed: Modules installed:
 Market  Market
 52% Reprossesing Array 52% Reprossesing Array
 Manufacturing Manufacturing
 Invention Invention
 Corp Tax 0,1% on Everything. Corp Tax 0,1% on Everything.
 Alliance Tax 0,2% on Everything. Alliance Tax 0,2% on Everything.
 Friendly and Allied Tax 0,3% on Everything. Friendly and Allied Tax 0,3% on Everything.
 Public Tax 0,4% on Everything. Public Tax 0,4% on Everything.
 Hated and Enemy Tax 1% on Everything. Hated and Enemy Tax 1% on Everything.
 Buying Hi-Sec POGU's in Genesis Region, Ubar and Sanctum Constellation. Buying Hi-Sec POGU's in Genesis Region, Ubar and Sanctum Constellation.
-Buying in large numbers: Minerals/Ice products/Planetary Interaction Products. +Buying in large numbers: Minerals/Clear Icicle/Planetary Interaction Products.
 Selling Ships/Mining Equipment/Drones. Selling Ships/Mining Equipment/Drones.

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Resources 2017-01-10 12:30:10 Corporation Description
Alliance TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance Member 187
Corporation Hand of The King Member 19
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