Corporation - Description - 2017-01-26 06:00:37 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Just started playing Eve and want to learn more?  Just started playing Eve and want to learn more?
 Experienced and looking for a change of pace?  Experienced and looking for a change of pace?
 Look no further! Look no further!
 We are a casual corp with experienced members. We're always looking to hang out and burn a few rocks, shoot some rats, even chase down those that would come to our systems. We are a casual corp with experienced members. We're always looking to hang out and burn a few rocks, shoot some rats, even chase down those that would come to our systems.
 We are located in null sec with plenty of Ore and rats to kill.  We are located in null sec with plenty of Ore and rats to kill.
 PVP opportunities with our Alliance. PVP opportunities with our Alliance.
 Opportunities for all... apply within! Opportunities for all... apply within!
 Public Channel: Arkham_CE  Public Channel: Arkham_CE
 + Our Theme Song
 +"If you got a problem with me
 +Come say that shit to my face"

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Resources 2017-01-26 06:00:37 Corporation Description
Alliance inPanic Member 28
Corporation Sanity Forgotten Member 22
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API J:28 Mar 00:50 K:28 Mar 00:55 C:28 Mar 01:34 A:28 Mar 01:33 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Mar 01:28 S:28 Mar 00:51 W:28 Mar 01:15