Corporation - Description - 2017-02-06 10:12:07 - Live Ticker



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 Here is a haven for those who fight... The ones who inspire fear in their opponents when they join the battle... The ones who overcome insurmountable odds through superior tactics and guile to achieve the objective... The ones who will enter a fight against overwhelming odds, and not only survive... but win. Here is a haven for those who fight... The ones who inspire fear in their opponents when they join the battle... The ones who overcome insurmountable odds through superior tactics and guile to achieve the objective... The ones who will enter a fight against overwhelming odds, and not only survive... but win.
 Here is a haven for such people, the Nightmares of battle. We all find our home in the Nightmare Asylum. Here is a haven for such people, the Nightmares of battle. We all find our home in the Nightmare Asylum.
-Potentially recruiting. Try your luck.+We are recruiting! Join our channel Seekers of Asylum and hang out with us!

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Resources 2017-02-06 10:12:07 Corporation Description
Corporation Nightmare Asylum Member 1
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