Corporation - Description - 2017-02-06 23:03:28 - Live Ticker



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-Wormhole class 5 based PvP/PvE Corp +Serbian Wormhole based PvP/PvE Corp
 Recruitment status: Limited and Selective Recruitment status: Limited and Selective
 We are looking for experienced players that understeand We are looking for experienced players that understeand
 wormhole space completely or the ones that are not so sure what is going on inside it. but are highly willing to learn! wormhole space completely or the ones that are not so sure what is going on inside it. but are highly willing to learn!
 Recruitment Contacts: Recruitment Contacts:
 DonPaya Duki  DonPaya Duki
 Farendar  Farendar
 Alkar G'hmarian  Alkar G'hmarian
 ....The better is the understanding... the simpler is description..... ....The better is the understanding... the simpler is description.....

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Resources 2017-02-06 23:03:28 Corporation Description
Corporation Addicted to Shljivovica Member 74
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