Corporation - Description - 2010-03-07 06:03:15 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Join channel "TEMPLAR CHAT" Join channel "TEMPLAR CHAT"
 TREP is an old 0.0 based corp with a tight group of team players  TREP is an old 0.0 based corp with a tight group of team players
 We pvp, run plexes/rat and do all the other stuff that has to be done  We pvp, run plexes/rat and do all the other stuff that has to be done
 We welcome new players that want to make the most out of eve!  We welcome new players that want to make the most out of eve!
 Our pilots have years experience and will help you out! Our pilots have years experience and will help you out!
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 =PVP= =PVP=
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 -Roaming- -Roaming-
 -R&R battleship gangs- -R&R battleship gangs-
 -hac gangs- -hac gangs-
 -recon- -recon-
 -CAP ship operations- -CAP ship operations-
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 =Industrial= =Industrial=
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 -Ship building- -Ship building-
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 =Pilot requirements= =Pilot requirements=
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
-We prefer that you have around 10mill sp or more, but all pilots will be considered. +All pilots will be considered.
 -Must have Teamspeak and a working mic- -Must have Teamspeak and a working mic-
 -Must be a team player- -Must be a team player-
 -Must have a good attitude- -Must have a good attitude-
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 =Goals= =Goals=
 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
 -Build a foundation, brotherhood and positive atmosphere- -Build a foundation, brotherhood and positive atmosphere-
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 For any diplomatic questions please contact one of the following For any diplomatic questions please contact one of the following
 -------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------
 Tyr Anassasi Tyr Anassasi
 Morgar Cane Morgar Cane
 Darth Muhan Darth Muhan

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Resources 2010-03-07 06:03:15 Corporation Description
Corporation Templar Republic Member 4
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