Corporation - Description - 2010-03-09 06:06:49 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Cold Void Industry and Trading is a corporation dedicated to manufactoring, research and trading across the region. Cold Void Industry and Trading is a corporation dedicated to manufactoring, research and trading across the region.
 EU and US TZ. EU and US TZ.
 Benefits package include: Benefits package include:
 Monthly Wages based on productivity Monthly Wages based on productivity
 Regular Mining ops (Orca supported) Regular Mining ops (Orca supported)
 Regular fleeted missions Regular fleeted missions
 Excellent support framework for noobies Excellent support framework for noobies
-Own Null Sec System with sov 
 Training and Fitting advice Training and Fitting advice
 Free T1 Ammo Free T1 Ammo
 Fittings build on demand at 5% above cost Fittings build on demand at 5% above cost
-Free fully fitted exhumer for null sec mining 
-Ablity for activite member to advance though the ranks +Ablity for active members to advance though the ranks
 Lowsec POS Lowsec POS
 Experienced PVP team Experienced PVP team
 +Limited API Required.
-Limited API Required & References may be required. Minimum of 3 mil sp required for membership.+No minimum sp required for membership.
 Curently recruiting miners, pve and pvp. Curently recruiting miners, pve and pvp.
-We pride ourselves in being supportive of our members. interested pilots should contact Incubus Sukkubus, BtNugs or Valantia Sarathai +We pride ourselves in being supportive of our members. interested pilots should contact Incubus Sukkubus or Valantia Sarathai

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Resources 2010-03-09 06:06:49 Corporation Description
Corporation Cold Void Industry and Trading Member 0
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API J:03 Mar 03:36 K:03 Mar 03:33 C:03 Mar 02:00 A:03 Mar 03:46 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:03 Mar 03:34 S:03 Mar 03:36 W:03 Mar 03:15