Corporation - Description - 2010-03-15 06:14:40 - Live Ticker



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 The Mirage Conglomerate is a Private Industry supplying the vastness of the EVE Galaxy The Mirage Conglomerate is a Private Industry supplying the vastness of the EVE Galaxy
 Private Contracts can be set up with crazy eye Sephies. Can supply any Tech 1 ship, Tech 2 ship, Dreads, Carriers, Freighters, Orcas and Rorquals upon request. Understand that these will be made to order, so it can take some time depending on the order. Private Contracts can be set up with crazy eye Sephies. Can supply any Tech 1 ship, Tech 2 ship, Dreads, Carriers, Freighters, Orcas and Rorquals upon request. Understand that these will be made to order, so it can take some time depending on the order.
 If you wish to purchase any of the available options, send a mail, will respond ASAP. If you wish to purchase any of the available options, send a mail, will respond ASAP.
-Currently no Command Ships as mineral prices put their construction more expensive than current market prices for the ships themselves. 

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Resources 2010-03-15 06:14:40 Corporation Description
Alliance Exiliar Syndicate Member 0
Corporation The Mirage Conglomerate Member 15
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