Corporation - Description - 2017-03-06 09:01:54 - Live Ticker



Old New
-If you want to join up then you should: 
-- Read, write, and speak English understandably. This is to make corporate communications go smoother. Voice communications is required. 
-- Not be a pirate and have positive security standing. 
-- Be a nice person. 
-We are a pretty relaxed corporation. We are all still pretty new at this, but we want people who want to hang out and have fun. We take people with any level of experience: we are looking for good people, not necessarily good skill sets (although good skills at the game are definitely appreciated). We'll help you learn as much as is possible, but mostly we are looking for other new-ish players to hang out with, not teach. Currently we spend most of our time doing lowsec ratting. 
-Contact Mad Marlin or Lysa Tolarus for more information. 

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Resources 2017-03-06 09:01:54 Corporation Description
Corporation Mad Marlin and Associates Member 3
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