Corporation - Description - 2010-03-17 06:03:12 - Live Ticker



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-Atra Mortis Industries is a corporation making its way in the galaxy manufacturing all the goods and materiel that the active pod pilot needs to survive the rigors and dangers of living and working in deep space. We do it all - mining, manufacturing, missons and plexes, lowsec and 0.0 PVP, research, and wormholes. +Atra Mortis Industries is a nullsec Sovereignty holding corporation making its way in the galaxy manufacturing all the goods and materiel that the active pod pilot needs to survive the rigors and dangers of living and working in deep space. We do it all - mining, manufacturing, missons, PVP, research, and wormholes.
 We're a good group of fun loving EVE players who watch each others backs, help each other out, and try espeically hard to make this game of ours as much fun as possible. We're a good group of fun loving EVE players who watch each others backs, help each other out, and try espeically hard to make this game of ours as much fun as possible.
-We are currently accepting applications for miners, researchers, haulers, Orca drivers, mission runners, and esepcially fun loving PVPers. To apply, please visit our website,, go to the forums, and follow the instructions in the Recruiting board.+We are currently recruiting new members who want to enjoy the rigors and rewards of nullsec living in our sovereign space. This inludes miners, combat pilots, and more. See our website to apply.
-Griefers, can flippers and rats need not apply. 
 Oderit Dum Metuant! Oderit Dum Metuant!
 Chief Diplomat: Jon Dorn Chief Diplomat: Jon Dorn

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Resources 2010-03-17 06:03:12 Corporation Description
Alliance High Treason Alliance Member 0
Corporation Atra Mortis Industries Member 15
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