Corporation - Description - 2017-03-14 08:45:55 - Live Ticker



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 ***In the event of a war dec ALL HAULERS WILL DROP CORP and continue business as usual, the remaining members of New Eden Trade Group are STATION TRADERS THAT NEVER UNDOCK*** ***In the event of a war dec ALL HAULERS WILL DROP CORP and continue business as usual, the remaining members of New Eden Trade Group are STATION TRADERS THAT NEVER UNDOCK***
-JOIN OUR CHANNEL: New Eden Trade Group 
-Business testimonail page: +Business testimonial page:
 +JOIN OUR CHANNEL: New Eden Trade Group
 If you have already convinced yourself that we are scammers, then fuck off. If you are willing to look at what we offer objectively, please continue reading. If you have already convinced yourself that we are scammers, then fuck off. If you are willing to look at what we offer objectively, please continue reading.
 Opportunities we offer: Opportunities we offer:
 Fully Collateralized Bonds @ 1.5-2% monthly return on invested ISK (Market Discussion Forum standard rate of return) Fully Collateralized Bonds @ 1.5-2% monthly return on invested ISK (Market Discussion Forum standard rate of return)
 (currently suspended due to high demand for our service) (currently suspended due to high demand for our service)
 --Larger sums of ISK are needed; typically items used as collateral are valued at 1 billion and more --Larger sums of ISK are needed; typically items used as collateral are valued at 1 billion and more
 --Bonds are directly collateralized via item exchange contract with investor  --Bonds are directly collateralized via item exchange contract with investor
 --New Eden Trade Group is committed to agreed length of bond. 2-4 weeks is the standard length. Typically bonds can be extended at the end of 2-4 week period --New Eden Trade Group is committed to agreed length of bond. 2-4 weeks is the standard length. Typically bonds can be extended at the end of 2-4 week period
 Variable Term Investments @ 2.5-5% monthly return on invested ISK Variable Term Investments @ 2.5-5% monthly return on invested ISK
 --No minimum amount is required to start a VTI, generally players who take advantage of this investment opportunity invest smaller amounts of ISK --No minimum amount is required to start a VTI, generally players who take advantage of this investment opportunity invest smaller amounts of ISK
 --ISK is consolidated and used to trade high volume, high demand, high turn-over items --ISK is consolidated and used to trade high volume, high demand, high turn-over items
 --Both Investors and New Eden Trade Group have the right to cancel the VTI at anytime, VTIs can run from 1-6 months --Both Investors and New Eden Trade Group have the right to cancel the VTI at anytime, VTIs can run from 1-6 months
 What is most important to us: What is most important to us:
 Our investors. Although New Eden Trade Group has a strong financial backbone, we rely heavily on the Eve community to reach our goals. Therefore, we make every effort to offer a hassle free and informative investing experience. Our investors. Although New Eden Trade Group has a strong financial backbone, we rely heavily on the Eve community to reach our goals. Therefore, we make every effort to offer a hassle free and informative investing experience.
 New Eden Trade Group knows what is needed for good investor relations: New Eden Trade Group knows what is needed for good investor relations:
 -Complete transparency is essential; our investors are never in the dark about any aspect of business -Complete transparency is essential; our investors are never in the dark about any aspect of business
 -There is no such thing as a stupid question. We encourage investors to ask questions -There is no such thing as a stupid question. We encourage investors to ask questions
 -Market analysis of items that investor’s ISK is traded in can be explained, but will be expected to be kept confidential, the less competition the better -Market analysis of items that investor’s ISK is traded in can be explained, but will be expected to be kept confidential, the less competition the better
 -On time deposits of weekly/monthly interest into investor's wallet -On time deposits of weekly/monthly interest into investor's wallet
 How we operate: How we operate:
 Ideally, our trade operations would dominate the sales of selected items in every region we choose to work. However, we realize that doing so is an impossible task. To be as effective as possible each member is assigned region markets to employ our trade strategies in. Delegating the overall work load ensures that we can consistently monitor our market orders on all selected items without getting overwhelmed. We know through years of experience that consistency is vital to a successful trade operation. Ideally, our trade operations would dominate the sales of selected items in every region we choose to work. However, we realize that doing so is an impossible task. To be as effective as possible each member is assigned region markets to employ our trade strategies in. Delegating the overall work load ensures that we can consistently monitor our market orders on all selected items without getting overwhelmed. We know through years of experience that consistency is vital to a successful trade operation.
 The goal of NETG: The goal of NETG:
 The aspect of Eve Online that draws us to the game is the dynamic market offered by no other MMO. We want to become the most well known and largest trade entity in game history. We realize this is a very ambitious goal, but we have the market experience/knowledge and are committed to success. The aspect of Eve Online that draws us to the game is the dynamic market offered by no other MMO. We want to become the most well known and largest trade entity in game history. We realize this is a very ambitious goal, but we have the market experience/knowledge and are committed to success.

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