Corporation - Description - 2017-03-20 08:45:00 - Live Ticker



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 +The State Imperial Academy is a corporation with the primary intent to educate new players, provide a friendly community for its members and to have fun working together.
 +We're here to have fun, learn and make friends.
 +New Eden is our playground, what we can do is limitless.
 +New Eden is also our training grounds, what we can learn here is extensive.
 +While playing and training here in New Eden, you're bound to make friends.
 +Are you interested in joining the State Imperial Academy?
 +Why Us?
 +- Friendly community,
 +- We're seeking to help new players get started on their EVE Journey!
 +- Access to infrastructure that will support our members.
 +- Operations in both High sec and Nullsec.
 +We have minimal requirements to join our corporation, because we wish to accept a diverse range of people.
 +- At least 0 skill points.
 +- Friendly attitude.
 +Our corporation offers some optional features, members are not forced to use anything.
 +- Voice comms (Discord).
 +- Corporate fleets.

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Resources 2017-03-20 08:45:00 Corporation Description
Corporation State Imperial Academy Member 5
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