Corporation - Description - 2017-04-16 12:27:18 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Hi-sec Corporation. 
-Part of TOG - The Old Gamers Alliance. 
-Open for Alpha and Omega Pilots. 
-Our priority areas are: 
-* Mining 
-* Pve 
-* Industry 
-Weekly Mining Operations 
-Currently buying on contract: (Need to be excat below value) Send a eve-mail to Sophie Mcgalien Hoeeg to see if we need more batches. 
-Heavy Water: 100k batches for 25m 
-Liquid Ozone: 100k batches for 12m 
-Helium Isotopes: 100k batches for 65m 
-Strontium Clathrates: 10k batches for 74m 
-Robotics: 1k batches for 90m 
-Enriched Uranium: 5k batches for 55m 
-Mechanical Parts: 5k batches for 45m 
-Coolant: 5k batches for 45m 
-Oxygen: 100k batches for 25m 
-Clear Icicle(& Compressed): 200k each. 
-All of this needs to be contracted to HotK in either Manatirid or Pashanai. Any other places and it will be declined or ignored. 
-If you can't handle the amount listed above we also have buy orders in below Fortizar.+Corp is currently going through a Redesigning state. Corp info will be updated shortly.
-Fortizar Pashanai - HotK 52%-ref 0,4%-Public tax 
-Modules installed: 
-52% Reprossesing Array 
-Raitaru Pashanai - HotK 0,4%Public Man/Inv/Research 
-Services installed: 
-Manufacturing (3% on Structures/Fuel, Equipment & drones) 
-Corp Tax 0,1% on Everything. 
-Alliance Tax 0,2% on Everything. 
-Friendly and Allied Tax 0,3% on Everything. 
-Public Tax 0,4% on Everything. 
-Hated and Enemy Tax 1% on Everything. 
-Selling mining/hauler equipment and ships. 

Details Share

Resources 2017-04-16 12:27:18 Corporation Description
Alliance TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance Member 187
Corporation Hand of The King Member 19
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