Corporation - Description - 2010-03-30 06:20:22 - Live Ticker



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 South of the Border, a bunch of noobs who like to pewpew no matter the cost (unless the cost is more than we can afford XD). Are you looking to PvP? Go on low-sec roams? Be in a corp with like minded people who can appreciate the tendancies of PvP? Then look no further! We are accepting anyone new or old who knows how to pick a fight (and hopefully win them). As long as you have experience in killing and not dying, we want you! Apply today! South of the Border, a bunch of noobs who like to pewpew no matter the cost (unless the cost is more than we can afford XD). Are you looking to PvP? Go on low-sec roams? Be in a corp with like minded people who can appreciate the tendancies of PvP? Then look no further! We are accepting anyone new or old who knows how to pick a fight (and hopefully win them). As long as you have experience in killing and not dying, we want you! Apply today!
 Note: Super cereal internet spaceships r srs bsns nerds need not apply, this is still a game, not a way of life. Note: Super cereal internet spaceships r srs bsns nerds need not apply, this is still a game, not a way of life.
 Contact info Contact info
 Public channel: SOTB CORP Public channel: SOTB CORP
 CEO: Illya Vonizenbern CEO: Illya Vonizenbern
 Recruiting officials: Receg Sledge2 Recruiting officials: Receg Sledge2
 +We require all new applicants to provide their limited API key.

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Resources 2010-03-30 06:20:22 Corporation Description
Alliance Hand That Feeds Member 0
Corporation South of the Border Member 2
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API J:25 Feb 09:57 K:25 Feb 09:43 C:25 Feb 10:00 A:25 Feb 10:07 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:25 Feb 09:59 S:25 Feb 09:37 W:25 Feb 09:15