Corporation - Description - 2017-05-03 13:32:03 - Live Ticker



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-What is a nothern shrike? This is a northern shrike!+Northern shrike in its glory
-We live in a hisec static wormhole and are looking forward to accepting new players who would like to join us in wormhole life with a variety of its activities: +We are a small group of people with C3 wormhole and lowsec presence and are looking forward to accepting new players who would like to join us in a variety of activities:
-- hunting pvp targets in the nearby systems - which change daily 
 +- pvp flights
 - cleaning up npc sites - if you ship is shit, then in a fleet - cleaning up npc sites - if you ship is shit, then in a fleet
-- hacking data/relics, huffing gas+- mining/gas huffing/hacking
 - good PI which will pay for plex only by itself - good PI which will pay for plex only by itself
 Also feel free to contact the CEO if you would like to: Also feel free to contact the CEO if you would like to:
 - work for us as a hauler (or in other way) - work for us as a hauler (or in other way)
 - try out wh life as a corp without mandatory merging - try out wh life as a corp without mandatory merging
 - join us in pvp roams - join us in pvp roams
 +- trade PI with us for a fair price
 - just ask some questions - just ask some questions

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Resources 2017-05-03 13:32:03 Corporation Description
Alliance Consortium of Kor-Azor Member 0
Corporation Northern Shrikes Member 19
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API J:28 Mar 00:50 K:28 Mar 00:55 C:28 Mar 00:58 A:28 Mar 00:46 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Mar 00:58 S:28 Mar 00:51 W:28 Mar 00:15