Corporation - Description - 2017-05-24 11:14:17 - Live Ticker



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 About our corporation: About our corporation:
-Half Moon Mining is a corp based in high, low sec and WH Space. We continue to grow in various fields, but our most important goal is to have a pool of professional players with a friendly attitude. Any efforts for the benefit of the corp will not go unnoticed and will be awarded accordingly. +Half Moon Mining is a corp based in high, low sec and Looking for WH Space. We continue to grow in various fields, but our most important goal is to have a pool of professional players with a friendly attitude. Any efforts for the benefit of the corp will not go unnoticed and will be awarded accordingly.
 CEO: MiniMango CEO: MiniMango
 Recruitment Channel:  Recruitment Channel:
 Half Moon Mining Recruitment Channel  Half Moon Mining Recruitment Channel
 What we offer to our members: What we offer to our members:
  - Friendship   - Friendship
  - Assistance in various fields   - Assistance in various fields
  - Training in PvP and PvE  - Training in PvP and PvE
  - Mining fleet operations   - Mining fleet operations
  - we have a 5.0% tax policy.  - we have a 5.0% tax policy.
  - Shera - SANCTUARY (Half Moon Mining) Highsec HQ and Base of Operations  - Shera - SANCTUARY (Half Moon Mining) Highsec HQ and Base of Operations
 Practical information: Practical information:
 Are You interested in lowsec,..? ratting,...? mining,...? isk,...? and most important; just enjoy the game ,...? with ur buddies ....?  Are You interested in lowsec,..? ratting,...? mining,...? isk,...? and most important; just enjoy the game ,...? with ur buddies ....?
 Then we will gladly accept you as one of our own. Then we will gladly accept you as one of our own.

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Resources 2017-05-24 11:14:17 Corporation Description
Corporation Half Moon Mining Member 3
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