Corporation - Description - 2017-06-05 11:08:12 - Live Ticker



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 Push Industries is the freight service to use when you need your goods moved around New Eden. Willing to move anything at all across any NPC location at great prices. Push Industries is the freight service to use when you need your goods moved around New Eden. Willing to move anything at all across any NPC location at great prices.
 No need to create contracts to different corporations depending on the location of the package, our one corporation can handle everything. No need to create contracts to different corporations depending on the location of the package, our one corporation can handle everything.
 Highsec / Lowsec / NPC Nullsec / Thera / SOV Highsec / Lowsec / NPC Nullsec / Thera / SOV
 Don't move it, PUSH it. Don't move it, PUSH it.
 Join our channel PushX (click to join) Join our channel PushX (click to join)
 Our Website (Rates, Calculator, FAQ) Our Website (Rates, Calculator, FAQ)
 MyPushX customer site (Queue status, contract info, notifications, etc.) MyPushX customer site (Queue status, contract info, notifications, etc.)
 Service Reviews Thread Service Reviews Thread
 +PushX Twitter
 Recruitement Channel Recruitement Channel
 Administration:  Administration:
 - Cassie Helio CEO - Cassie Helio CEO
 - Maarlyna Alton Vice-CEO  - Maarlyna Alton Vice-CEO
 - Slayalot Al HR Director - Slayalot Al HR Director

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Resources 2017-06-05 11:08:12 Corporation Description
Alliance Push Interstellar Network Member 94
Corporation Push Industries Member 61
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