Corporation - Description - 2017-06-08 14:49:54 - Live Ticker



Old New
-We are currently recruiting. Trial accounts may be accepted under certain circumstances. We are a group of mature, team oriented, and corp. dedicated players, who are looking to expand our group of friends. We have fleet mining ops. several times a week and offer ships and isk for participation.  
 +Hey there,
 +are you bold enough to make your own destiny and are you looking for new horizons?
 +Well we have something to offer for rookie players with an adventurous mindset.
 +Join us now and participate in our learning programs.
 +We're lookin for:
 +- Learners and Rookie Players
 +- Miners (skilled or skilling towards a barge or exhumer)
 +- Industrialists
 +- Rookie PvP Pilots
 +We offer:
- If you are interested or have any questions, please join the BYMC channel or apply now with a detailed message stating why you want to join. All applications will be carefully taken into consideration. Please include API key and Verification code with your application message.+Rookie packages including free skill books, help in setting up skill plan, free ships, learner programs for Mining, Industrial, WH Explorations, Ratting/PvE and smal gang PvP.
 +Join BYMC Pub for more info or PM any of the recruiters listes below.
 +Languages: English, German
 +Time of Operation: Main 18:00 - 24:00 and Secondary 00:00 - 06:00 Eve Time
 +Area of Operation: Nul Sec and Wormhole Space. Occassionally High Sec
 +- adventurous mindset
 +- Brain and Manners
 +- Teamspeak
 +- Full API Key/Verification Code with no expiry as part of the application mail
 +Mark Reston Dethahal
 +Mark Ryden
 +Derek James Jita

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Resources 2017-06-08 14:49:54 Corporation Description
Alliance Integritas Constans Member 9
Corporation Backyard Mining Co. Member 28
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