Corporation - Description - 2017-06-11 10:04:45 - Live Ticker



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-Warcrows is a corporation thats going places, we have leadership with veteran experience and are starting off 2017 looking for intuititive players to join us. 
-If you're tired of being just another number inside an amorphous blob then look no further, we are the corporation for you!+Tired of being just a number in someone elses story? Want to make a difference?
-Although like every body our main aim is to have fun we've spent time to organize a corporate structure thats future proofed and aimed at redundancy for the casual player and have tonnes of room for growth, our training method will rapidly develop any players experience for solo and small gang PvP, no matter the sec, age or sp level.+Warcrows is a corporation thats going places, we are a casual PvP and Exploration corp with a home Class 2 wormhole and looking for intuitive players of all skill levels to join us.
-We currently operate from high sec, Thera and have access to wormhole space. 
 +We have a future proofed, tiered, organizational structure with veteran leadership aimed at redundancy for the casual player and tonnes of room for individual growth, our aim is simple, to help each member tap into their initiative and start creating their own fun story as a Warcrow, whether a Pirate, Explorer or just chasing good fights we are sure you'll find a good crew to roll with, our methods will rapidly develop any willing players experience for exploration, solo and small gang PvP, no matter the sec, age or sp level.
 Why should you join? Why should you join?
 Eve can be brutal, and you can go from rich to poor in one simple mistake, learn how to make money, avoid losses and have fun. Eve can be brutal, and you can go from rich to poor in one simple mistake, learn how to make money, avoid losses and have fun.
-Create your own story with us, we all want fun on eve and with the right method you can successfully undock and create your own content, we are here to help you learn to use your initiative to its fullest, whether that be solo or in small and large groups. +Create your own story with us, we all want fun on eve and with the right method you can successfully undock and create your own content, we are here to help you learn to use your initiative to its fullest, whether that be solo, small or large groups and all system security levels.
 - As a new player we can teach you our method and help you achieve your goals, if so interested we have a secure structure that allows us to teach players about corporate structure and roles within corps. - As a new player we can teach you our method and help you achieve your goals, if so interested we have a secure structure that allows us to teach players about corporate structure and roles within corps.
 - As an experienced player you can join or even help create group events, taking roles other, more amorphous corporations will not allow, learn our PREWAR method and help the less experienced members make the most of their game time while enjoying yours. - As an experienced player you can join or even help create group events, taking roles other, more amorphous corporations will not allow, learn our PREWAR method and help the less experienced members make the most of their game time while enjoying yours.
 +- Our main PvP focus is scouting, recon and key fleet support roles, be the best, or die trying, be a Warcrow!
-ANY/ALL applications should include a full API key found HERE +
 +ANY/ALL applications should include a full Account API key found API LINK HERE with access mask 4294967295 and main Eve times you are active.
 Join "the flightdeck" for more information. Join "the flightdeck" for more information.
 +And remember, The future is greedy!

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Resources 2017-06-11 10:04:45 Corporation Description
Alliance Who Dares Wins. Member 12
Corporation Warcrows Member 38
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API J:28 Mar 00:50 K:28 Mar 00:55 C:28 Mar 01:10 A:28 Mar 01:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Mar 00:58 S:28 Mar 00:51 W:28 Mar 00:15