Corporation - Description - 2010-04-26 06:20:35 - Live Ticker



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 Dawn of the Rebellion Dawn of the Rebellion
 We are a tight nit group of friends, each striving to do our own thing and profit in the cold, dark depths of space. We are a tight nit group of friends, each striving to do our own thing and profit in the cold, dark depths of space.
-We don't log on once a week to see if everything is hunky dory, we log on daily to see if our shit is still here. If you are on the other side, we don't care if you have more guns than us, we fight to the death and leave you as little as possible. 

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Resources 2010-04-26 06:20:35 Corporation Description
Alliance Virtue of Selfishness Member 0
Corporation DOTR Incorporated Member 3
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