Corporation - Description - 2010-05-08 06:19:35 - Live Ticker



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 +Kindor and Co
-Kindor and Co has its doors open for new recruits +Has its doors open for new recruits
 New player to eve or experienced player, doesn't matter. New player to eve or experienced player, doesn't matter.
 +We are looking for miners/indy pilots, but all types are welcome.
 +Atm we are currently hanging out in empire (Amarr) space
 +running missions and having mining ops in between. Our intended goal is to grow our player base and then make our way into 0.0 sov space by joining an alliance.
 +For now all of our players are in the aussie time zone, but we are looking to fill the us/eu void as well.
 +For those into pvp looking at our corp info, you would think we are just a bunch of carebears in empire, well we do hang out in empire, but we also love our pvp. Small gangs, recons is what we like most. So if your into that we would love to have you as well.
 +If any of this sounds like a corp your looking for, drop by Kindo Public or you can private convo James Kindor or I hatenames for more details.
 +Things we ask of you to join:
 +1. We need your limited api key
 +2. Have mic and be able to join us on vent or ts 3
 +3. No Trial accounts
 +4. Active player
 +RL to us comes first before EVE. But try to be on more than not.
 +Things we are not looking for:
-Our goals for the future is to be a 0.0 corp.+If this is you, please do not apply.
-For now we are in empire running missions and mining. 
-If you have the same furture goal and are interested in joining a corp, feel free to convo StacyII, James Kindor or Stacy Kindor in game or join Kindo Pub for more info 
-Aphend VIII - Moon 3 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices 

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Resources 2010-05-08 06:19:35 Corporation Description
Corporation Kindor and Co Member 5
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