Corporation - Description - 2017-09-02 08:26:52 - Live Ticker



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 The Ringing Vale wants to help you begin your Eve Online career! The Ringing Vale wants to help you begin your Eve Online career!
 The Ringing Vale is a new corporation that has the goal and purpose of helping new pilots learn how to play Eve. Our mission is to get you up to speed, help you through tutorials and learn what type of career you want to pursue. Then we put you into contact with pre-screened corporations that focus on the career you are interested in. You will get to meet lots of veteran players and try out different groups before deciding what is the best corp for your long term Eve career! The Ringing Vale is a new corporation that has the goal and purpose of helping new pilots learn how to play Eve. Our mission is to get you up to speed, help you through tutorials and learn what type of career you want to pursue. Then we put you into contact with pre-screened corporations that focus on the career you are interested in. You will get to meet lots of veteran players and try out different groups before deciding what is the best corp for your long term Eve career!
 We help you along in your first few weeks in Eve! We help you along in your first few weeks in Eve!
 Free skill books Free skill books
 Free ships Free ships
 Help with guides and links Help with guides and links
 Veteran player assistance through Q&A Veteran player assistance through Q&A
 Network with Corps based on your career interests Network with Corps based on your career interests
 Current Member Corps Current Member Corps
 +Null Sec Corp - Mining, ratting, DED plexing, PVP
 WH PVP Corp - Dive WH's and learn to live on the go, stealth bombers and more WH PVP Corp - Dive WH's and learn to live on the go, stealth bombers and more
 Dedicated Exploration Corporation- Run anoms, DED complexes and long term wormhole living Dedicated Exploration Corporation- Run anoms, DED complexes and long term wormhole living
 Mining and Industial- Mining operations and other misc manufacturing and POS activities, high sec space Mining and Industial- Mining operations and other misc manufacturing and POS activities, high sec space
 Mission runners- High Sec Caldari space mission corp, with some PVP interests Mission runners- High Sec Caldari space mission corp, with some PVP interests
 Mission runners- High Sec Gallente space mission corp, with some light PVP Mission runners- High Sec Gallente space mission corp, with some light PVP
 Our group of Vale leadership have experience in all aspects of Eve, and are here to help you get started and decide what you want to pursue. Then our member corporations are a great way for you to continue on in Eve and get started in a great corporation. Our group of Vale leadership have experience in all aspects of Eve, and are here to help you get started and decide what you want to pursue. Then our member corporations are a great way for you to continue on in Eve and get started in a great corporation.
 With no minimum skill points or API checks, free ships and skills to new players, there is no reason to not let us help you get your bearing as a new pilot in Eve Online! With no minimum skill points or API checks, free ships and skills to new players, there is no reason to not let us help you get your bearing as a new pilot in Eve Online!
 Feel free to stop by our public chat channel "Vale Lore" if you have any questions. Feel free to stop by our public chat channel "Vale Lore" if you have any questions.
 RGB Dragon RGB Dragon

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Resources 2017-09-02 08:26:52 Corporation Description
Alliance Care Factor Member 0
Corporation The Ringing Vale Member 3
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