Corporation - Description - 2017-09-21 22:01:24 - Live Ticker



Old New
 The Northerners was formed from a merge between two badass oldtimer corporations, The Ankou and Enterprise Estonia.  The Northerners was formed from a merge between two badass oldtimer corporations, The Ankou and Enterprise Estonia.
 Our goal in EvE is to have fun, wreck havok and create tears - wanna tag along? Our goal in EvE is to have fun, wreck havok and create tears - wanna tag along?
 Upon applying to our corporation we require you to; Upon applying to our corporation we require you to;
 * have 1 vouch from inside NC. * have 1 vouch from inside NC.
 * be active * be active
 * be able to fly alliance doctrine ships * be able to fly alliance doctrine ships
 * use Mumble and IRC * use Mumble and IRC
 * have fun * have fun
-Contacts: +Contacts: Angmar01
-* LVirus 
 Public channel: N8RTH Pub Public channel: N8RTH Pub

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Resources 2017-09-21 22:01:24 Corporation Description
Alliance Northern Coalition. Member 2651
Corporation The Northerners Member 1008
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