Alliance - Description - 2017-09-28 10:04:27 - Live Ticker



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-A tribute to "darth solo" and the CELES crew. 
-A remnant of Insurgency. 
-Home for ancient relics their alts, invite only. 
-An apple once felt from a tree, some smartass dude next to it picked the apple up, snails dropped from the tree right ontop of him, before he knew it he was in agony, it was a trap it seems, altho he dropped hes feet on some hes last words before collapsing, together with a highly raised middle finger was like... 
-F=G m1 m2 
- R² 
-The witness aka "the man with no name" went into therapy in a shocking state after seeing that stuff, as medicine didn't help, only milk for men did, so beer and green cigarettes did the trick. 
-Legend is around that this man is known as a superior intellect, one that does not fear man eating snails anymore, and that he is somewhere around the stars amongst us. 
-"Book of Knowledge V3.2 Chapter 7" 

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