Corporation - Description - 2010-05-22 06:21:20 - Live Ticker



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-Intergalactic Expeditions (-IGX-) is an anti-griefer, anti-pirate corporation flying in Minmatar space. +Intergalactic Expeditions (-IGX-) is an anti-griefer, anti-pirate corporation flying in Minmatar space.
 +We offer:
 +1. Ratting in low sec with blues.
 +2. A POS to operate from shortly.
 +3. Lvl 4 missions.
-Our goal is to build a successful corporation that can generate ISK without having to ask for donations or free labor from members. +4. Anomalies and signature sites.
 +5. Manufacturing and mining.
 +6. Corpmates you can trust!
-To do this we have developed an internal business plan that we feel will allow the corporation to take full advantage of all that New Eden has to offer.+We are looking for mature pilots that can use in game voice and have a good attitude. 1 million skillpoint minimum. No trial accounts. U.S. timezones.
-We have regularly scheduled corporation mining ops. A mineral buy back program is in place to reward members for their efforts. NO FREE LABOR!!+Experience in low sec with safe spots and the proper use of the scanner is mandatory. Abiltiy to get through gate camps is a must.
-Our corporation tax rate is low. Currently the tax is set at 7.5%. We feel this will suffice at this time. NO HIGH TAXES!! 
-We offer ships and mods that the corporation produces at our cost to produce it, not one ISK more. DISCOUNTED SHIPS & MODS!! 
-We are currently running lvl 4 missions. We have agents in both high and low sec areas of space. Corporation members regularly fleet together to get the most from missions, including; salvage, loot & valuable ore. WE WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM!!+We are not interested in training new pilots but will help with the occasional question. You must know how to fit your ship effectively and have the skills to fly it well. No exceptions.
-All pilots are expected to be able to operate in low sec space. If you don't have the experience to do so we can teach you how to be successful in low sec. QUALITY PILOT INSTRUCTION!! 
-With the new developments in New Eden, -IGX- is poised and ready to explore and exploit. We also regularly probe out hidden sites. We have access to research and development slots for BPO's. ALL ASPECTS OF EVE ENGAGED!! 
-We are looking for mature pilots that can use voice and have a good attitude. All skill points and trial accounts accepted upon review. 
 If you have a real job, life, family and don't live in your' Mother's basement contact Alexxis Noir for more information or feel free to join our public channel, -IGX- If you have a real job, life, family and don't live in your' Mother's basement contact Alexxis Noir for more information or feel free to join our public channel, -IGX-

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Resources 2010-05-22 06:21:20 Corporation Description
Corporation Intergalactic Expeditions Member 0
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