Corporation - Description - 2017-10-31 06:02:01 - Live Ticker



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 CEO: chuck Utrigas  CEO: chuck Utrigas
-Directors:Ranik Sandaris Tiberius Agrippa Dynuxyz Bocin Hell Raizer +Directors:Ranik Sandaris Tiberius Agrippa Dynuxyz Bocin Le Prospecteur
-Management: Le Prospecteur Isshin Ro +Management: Isshin Ro
-Diplomats: Objectless Hatred Hell Raizer +Diplomats: Objectless Hatred
 Recruitment Channel: Hombre's Bar  Recruitment Channel: Hombre's Bar
 (20:34:53) myrddin_calyx: EL U is so far, imo, a shitheap (20:34:53) myrddin_calyx: EL U is so far, imo, a shitheap
 (20:35:34) myrddin_calyx: All the people I've encountered who are members of EL U are gibbering apes (20:35:34) myrddin_calyx: All the people I've encountered who are members of EL U are gibbering apes
 - Myrddin, in one of his happier moments.  - Myrddin, in one of his happier moments.
 you guys have a really fucked up and bad corp description so i hate you -deadtear 01/01/17  you guys have a really fucked up and bad corp description so i hate you -deadtear 01/01/17
 "The only people I'm blaming for this shit are the ones that let him in the alliance. I doubt he woke up that day and suddenly decided to be a repulsive piece of shit" - draconicblade, when asked about his good friends and valued allies in ELU "The only people I'm blaming for this shit are the ones that let him in the alliance. I doubt he woke up that day and suddenly decided to be a repulsive piece of shit" - draconicblade, when asked about his good friends and valued allies in ELU

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Resources 2017-10-31 06:02:01 Corporation Description
Alliance Goonswarm Federation Member 54411
Corporation El Ultimo Hombre Member 16
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