Corporation - Description - 2017-11-05 08:37:23 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Funded by the famous Art Vandalay, this corporation has been continued in his name for centuries as a large import/export corporation. We are a laid back group who enjoy the experience from the world of New Eden. +Funded by the famous Artt Vandalay, this corporation has been continued in his name for centuries as a large import/export corporation. We are a laid back group who enjoy the experience from the world of New Eden.
 If you want a Mineral/Ore Order, Please contact us and we can set something up. If you want a Mineral/Ore Order, Please contact us and we can set something up.
 We do: We do:
 Mining Mining
 Mission Running Mission Running
 Manufacturing  Manufacturing
 NP friendly NP friendly
 To Contact Us: To Contact Us:
 Message Tiexa Larkin or Lavin Aventis Message Tiexa Larkin or Lavin Aventis
 Join the "Vandalay Recruitment" Chat channel. Join the "Vandalay Recruitment" Chat channel.

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Resources 2017-11-05 08:37:23 Corporation Description
Corporation Vandalay Star Syndicate Member 8
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