Corporation - Description - 2017-11-23 08:03:10 - Live Ticker



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-Edensoft is a small, startup corporation that develops market research and intelligence applications. We also manufacture mainframes and electronics. Headquarters are in the Tunttaras system. Contact Yuuto Amakawa for more information. +Edensoft is a small, startup corporation that develops market research and intelligence applications. We also manufacture mainframes and electronics. We base out of a C2 wormhole. Contact Yuuto Amakawa for more information.
 All Edensoft stations are freeports and open to the public provided that station integrity is not in clear, immediate danger. All station services are subject to a five (5) percent tax for non-corporation capsuleers to cover fuel and ammo costs. In the interest of fostering open commerce, we do not actively target neutral industrial vessels (including miners) without provocation, but we cannot guarantee neutral ship safety in open space. All Edensoft stations are freeports and open to the public provided that station integrity is not in clear, immediate danger. All station services are subject to a five (5) percent tax for non-corporation capsuleers to cover fuel and ammo costs. In the interest of fostering open commerce, we do not actively target neutral industrial vessels (including miners) without provocation, but we cannot guarantee neutral ship safety in open space.

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