Corporation - Description - 2017-11-23 12:27:37 - Live Ticker



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 SONY Mining. Industry. Trade. SONY Mining. Industry. Trade.
-We are an industry-based corporation with some PvP inmplements. +We are an industry-based corporation.
 PVP is a inevitable element in EVE. Sooner or later you have to deal with it. PVP is a inevitable element in EVE. Sooner or later you have to deal with it.
 This is a relaxed group of people who have fun in EVE. We all have lives outside EVE, so there is no pressure what you do, how you do it, as long as you are willing to put some work and effort in this corporation.  This is a relaxed group of people who have fun in EVE. We all have lives outside EVE, so there is no pressure what you do, how you do it, as long as you are willing to put some work and effort in this corporation.
-Inactive pilots will be kicked out from the corp. 
 Free access to T1 BPC and modules Free access to T1 BPC and modules
 Vexor Blueprint  Vexor Blueprint
 Dominix Blueprint  Dominix Blueprint
 Mining Drone I Blueprint  Mining Drone I Blueprint
 Hobgoblin I Blueprint  Hobgoblin I Blueprint
 Drone Navigation Computer I Blueprint  Drone Navigation Computer I Blueprint
 and more... and more...
-We will move to null-sec soon to expand our horizons.+We live in 0.0 sec
 +Inactive pilots will be kicked out from the corp.
 New pilots welcome. S.M.I.T. Channel New pilots welcome. S.M.I.T. Channel

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Resources 2017-11-23 12:27:37 Corporation Description
Alliance Almost Broken Member 65
Corporation SONY M.I.T. Member 27
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