Corporation - Description - 2017-11-25 22:02:36 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Hand of the King. A high/null-sec Mining corporation. +Hand of the King. A high/null-sec corporation that dabbles in mining/pve/pvp.
-Hand of the King was a previous Hi-sec mining corp who originated in pashanai. We are now operating in high and null-sec and are seeking miners. We specialize in buying of ores, building of random shit and all that good stuff. +Hand of the King was a previous Hi-sec mining corp who originated in pashanai. We are now operating in high and null-sec and are seeking miners, ratter and gankers. We specialize in buying of ores, building of random shit, ganking random people and all that good stuff.
 If you want to fly with us or make a deal contact CEO Sophie Mcgalien Hoeeg or Diplomat Ythia Benuse. If you want to fly with us or make a deal contact CEO Sophie Mcgalien Hoeeg or Diplomat Ythia Benuse.

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Resources 2017-11-25 22:02:36 Corporation Description
Alliance TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance Member 187
Corporation Hand of The King Member 19
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