Corporation - Description - 2017-12-03 09:59:39 - Live Ticker



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 --**NRDS**-- --**NRDS**--
 Flashpoint Enterprises Inc adheres and subscribes to the Rules of Providence as set forth under the greater authority of CVA - Flashpoint Enterprises Inc adheres and subscribes to the Rules of Providence as set forth under the greater authority of CVA -
 FPE-I is currently based in both null-security and high-security space. If you are a new player, we can help get you started in Amarr High-Security territory, and help you get the skills you'll need to transition successfully to null-security space. Our null-security operations are currently in Providence Region. FPE-I is currently based in both null-security and high-security space. If you are a new player, we can help get you started in Amarr High-Security territory, and help you get the skills you'll need to transition successfully to null-security space. Our null-security operations are currently in Providence Region.
 We are always looking for more pilots, in all positions, at all skill levels. While we are mainly a mining corporation, we also enjoy getting together for PVE roams/ratting, and mission running. Opportunities for PVP exist as well. We are always looking for more pilots, in all positions, at all skill levels. While we are mainly a mining corporation, we also enjoy getting together for PVE roams/ratting, and mission running. Opportunities for PVP exist as well.
 You must meet these requirements to be considered for selection: You must meet these requirements to be considered for selection:
  1. Mature, no drama.  1. Mature, no drama.
  2. Be willing to provide a full API key with application, no exceptions.  2. Be willing to provide a full API key with application, no exceptions.
  3. Be a team player.  3. Be a team player.
  4. Be willing to train other players - not everyone is good at everything.  4. Be willing to train other players - not everyone is good at everything.
  5. Understand that Real Life comes first.  5. Understand that Real Life comes first.
 In return, we can offer: In return, we can offer:
  1. Friendly environment  1. Friendly environment
  2. Mineral buyback  2. Mineral buyback
  3. Salvage buyback  3. Salvage buyback
 Any questions or applications may be submitted to: Any questions or applications may be submitted to:
-Stef Severasse - CEO  
-Dilan Saissore - VP Operations +Dilan Saissore - CEO

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Resources 2017-12-03 09:59:39 Corporation Description
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Corporation Flashpoint Enterprises Inc Member 0
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API J:28 Feb 00:36 K:28 Feb 00:32 C:28 Feb 00:01 A:28 Feb 01:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Feb 01:03 S:28 Feb 00:33 W:28 Feb 01:15