Corporation - Description - 2017-12-15 12:23:24 - Live Ticker



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 If you're reading this then you must be interested in us for one reason or another. We're based in a C4 Black Hole with C5/C3 statics. We are a laid back content oriented group, and are firm believers that RL should always come first before any game.  If you're reading this then you must be interested in us for one reason or another. We're based in a C4 Black Hole with C5/C3 statics. We are a laid back content oriented group, and are firm believers that RL should always come first before any game.
 Alphas looking to join need to be able to use Cloaks, Probes, and already have some proficiency in wormhole navigation.  Alphas looking to join need to be able to use Cloaks, Probes, and already have some proficiency in wormhole navigation.
 What we want:  What we want:
 [✓] Combat oriented pilots [✓] Combat oriented pilots
 [✓] Experienced industry gurus [✓] Experienced industry gurus
 [✓] Previous wh experience or desire to learn [✓] Previous wh experience or desire to learn
 What we offer: What we offer:
 [✓] Citadel access [✓] Citadel access
 [✓] E-Complex access [✓] E-Complex access
 [✓] Group ratting [✓] Group ratting
 [✓] Buy back program [✓] Buy back program
 [✓] Ship replacement program [✓] Ship replacement program
 What we require: What we require:
 [✓] Drama free [✓] Drama free
 [✓] Willingness to PvP [✓] Willingness to PvP
 [✓] Working mic [✓] Working mic
 [✓] Teamwork [✓] Teamwork
 [✓] Scanning "Lots of scanning" [✓] Scanning "Lots of scanning"
 For all your other needs For all your other needs
-Diplomacy: Heather Nightingale +Diplomacy: Duke Nukem
-Recruitment Channel: SWA Club +Recruitment Channel: SWA Club
 Recruitment Status: OPEN Recruitment Status: OPEN

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Resources 2017-12-15 12:23:24 Corporation Description
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