Corporation - Description - 2018-01-10 12:15:21 - Live Ticker



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 !.Booty Hunter's Industry Focused Corporation.! !.Booty Hunter's Industry Focused Corporation.!
 ~>Bio is now only for Recruting. ~>Bio is now only for Recruting.
 Recruting is Currently: OPEN Recruting is Currently: OPEN
 You are pretty Experienced or pretty New? You are pretty Experienced or pretty New?
 What ever you did here before, we are Interested in you. What ever you did here before, we are Interested in you.
 "This is a game. If it become too much like work you are probably approaching it wrong and are far more likely to burnout or quit. Play, have fun, isk is not a goal just a tool to allow you more options.[..] Grrr Rant There is no BEST in Eve, stop asking. It is all situations and skills and so many factors that Best ship Best guns, "This is a game. If it become too much like work you are probably approaching it wrong and are far more likely to burnout or quit. Play, have fun, isk is not a goal just a tool to allow you more options.[..] Grrr Rant There is no BEST in Eve, stop asking. It is all situations and skills and so many factors that Best ship Best guns,
 Best way to make isk do not exist. Best is not a thing, ok?" - Mike Azariah Best way to make isk do not exist. Best is not a thing, ok?" - Mike Azariah
 its about the Efficiency. its about the Efficiency.
 We are testing new Money mechanics. They are rISKy and may be Hard. We are testing new Money mechanics. They are rISKy and may be Hard.
 Oh, And i tell you a Secret. We will replace the ship you are flying in when you lost it in a Corp Fleet. Psshhht.! Oh, And i tell you a Secret. We will replace the ship you are flying in when you lost it in a Corp Fleet. Psshhht.!
  * We want you when you have atleast minimum of Experience in Mining!  * We want you when you have atleast minimum of Experience in Mining!
  * We want you when you have atleast minimum of Experience in Manufacturing!  * We want you when you have atleast minimum of Experience in Manufacturing!
  * We want you when you have atleast minimum of Experience in Trading!  * We want you when you have atleast minimum of Experience in Trading!
 + * We want you when you have atleast minimum of Experience in Exploration!
 Are some Questions left? Mail Julia Zafellorea or apply direct (: Are some Questions left? Mail Julia Zafellorea or apply direct (:
 Slogan: We are Opening the Door to your Potential! Slogan: We are Opening the Door to your Potential!

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Resources 2018-01-10 12:15:21 Corporation Description
Alliance Swiggity Swooty Coming for the Booty Member 17
Corporation Booty hunter's Member 17
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