Corporation - Description - 2018-02-15 12:08:56 - Live Ticker



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 SONY Mining. Industry. Trade.  SONY Mining. Industry. Trade.
 Recruitment Status: Open Recruitment Status: Open
-We are 0.0 sec industry corporation that mines ore, builds capital ships and sell to the market. +We are industry corporation that mines ore and ice, builds capital ships and sell to the market.
 +We do operate in Null-sec and Hi-sec space.
 We do enjoy all other things that EVE offer to us as well. We do enjoy all other things that EVE offer to us as well.
 We do PvP only when it's necessary to protect what's ours and our home. We do PvP only when it's necessary to protect what's ours and our home.
 We are anti piracy corporation that follows NRDS rules. We are anti piracy corporation that follows NRDS rules.
 We do kick out inactive pilot form the corporation with in 90 days We do kick out inactive pilot form the corporation with in 90 days
 We all know that real life comes first. We all know that real life comes first.
 Think you can fit right in? If so - pleas join S.M.I.T. channel to discuss your future. Think you can fit right in? If so - pleas join S.M.I.T. channel to discuss your future.
 Free access to T1 BPC Free access to T1 BPC
 Vexor Blueprint  Vexor Blueprint
 Dominix Blueprint  Dominix Blueprint
 Myrmidon Blueprint  Myrmidon Blueprint
 Talos Blueprint  Talos Blueprint
 Brutix Blueprint  Brutix Blueprint
 Drake Blueprint  Drake Blueprint
 Covetor Blueprint  Covetor Blueprint
 Noctis Blueprint  Noctis Blueprint
 and more... and more...
 C.E.O. David Sony  C.E.O. David Sony
 Director Canyon Ambraelle Director Canyon Ambraelle

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Resources 2018-02-15 12:08:56 Corporation Description
Alliance Almost Broken Member 65
Corporation SONY M.I.T. Member 27
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